Romilly Road - Under Construction

The property at 61 Romilly Road, N4 Islington, is a two storey terraced Victorian house and is set back from the street with a front garden. It dates back to the Victorian period and still retains many of its original features such as the London stock brickwork and rendered detailing surroundings of windows and door openings to the front elevation only. This materiality and detailing is largely maintained to the the existing front elevations of the neighbouring properties along Romilly Road.

The proposal seeks to enlarge the existing single-dwelling house with three new volumes at ground floor, second floor and roof level. The design is intended to have a minimal effect on the perceived scale of the existing building from the street and will keep in line with the existing extensions on the street where the pitch of front roofs have been modified to allow a loft extension. The proposal is also in line with many of the adjacent neighbouring properties that have already undergone modifications to the rear facades. The three additional volumes will only be visible from the back of the property. They will keep the architectural style as well as other existing volumes within the terrace of houses.

We achieved approval through Permitted Development. 

The project is currently under construction and pictures are just some site pictures. More drawings and images to follow! In the meantime, do check our Instagram feed for updates on progress. 

Structural Engineers: BC Structural

Main Contractor: Kennedy Build