Temps de Flors '18
The Carnation Revolution is a temporary art installation created for the Temps de Flors Festival in Girona. It was displayed in the Torre del Llamp, a historic tower within the city walls.
The installation used a 3D structure made of recycled wood to symbolize the constraints of the Spanish Constitution's Article 155, which was imposed on Catalonia. Despite these limitations, the installation aimed to convey hope and resilience through a field of yellow carnations. The vibrant color of the flowers represented the Catalan people's determination to express themselves freely and find beauty even in difficult circumstances.
Special thanks to: Marta Cervello & Montse Nogues
Awards: Special mention at Premis d'Arquitectura - Comarques de Girona 2019
Team: Fusteria Llado // Pictures: Jaume Orpinell