Temps de Flors '18

The Carnation Revolution is an ephemeral installation at the Girona City Walls built for the Temps de Flors Festival in May 2018. The space given for the project is in Jardí dels Alemanys -the German’s Gardens-, more precisely the Torre del Llamp -the Lighting Tower.

The aim of a city wall is both to protect and defend, but is also a link between different sides of a city or a division between the inside and the outside world. Towers are built to overlook, observe and communicate. They are nodes where ways, entrances and exits meet. Torre del Llamp encounters all this complexity as a space & as a crossing of various pathways. The intensity of crossing becomes difficult to walk through when the 155x155x155cm structure is built. The visitor is obliged to stop and understand how to walk through the space where he is now caged to find his/hers way. Underneath the steps of the visitor, a field of carnations is set silently, drawing a clear and strong diagonal against the rigidity of the structure.

The proposal expresses the situation in Catalunya taking the number 155 from the Article of the Spanish Constitution as key to develop an aesthetic structure. The 3D structure is simple and light. It is composed of timber studs recycled from the material storage warehouse of the city of Girona. The studs are painted in yellow and assembled with angles so that it is easy to mount and dismount.

Catalan people show in their day to day life a way to find virtue within problems, strength when they stumble and words when they drown. Along the years we have demonstrated our will to express ourselves freely. The proposal wants to show beauty within the darkness. The design is a yellow carnation field that is taken within a tridimensional reticular structure of 155, but does not bend to it. Our strength, the intensity of the yellow carnation, shines and reflects onto the structure. There is light in Torre del Llamp.